I recently received a letter from a reader in response to an article that I had written about decorating with chandelier crystals.
After Rebecca saw the idea, she sent me this question…
Dear Pearl,
I think that your idea is so creative! But I am having a bit of a problem. Instead of taking crystals off of a chandelier, I want to put crystals on one. I have a really cute patio set that’s just begging for a little bit of light. I already have a wrought iron chandelier with some candles on it. I burned the candles for a while so they would get that cool drippy look, and now I would love to hang some crystals on it. I just can’t seem to find a place that sells them. Do you know of any places where I could buy some? Also, what do you hang them with? I want something a little more artsy than fishing line, but I don’t think that ribbon will hold up outside in the California summer. Any thing you can suggest? Thanks so much for your wonderful idea, I will have to try it sometime!
So… I thought I would share a few ideas to help get even more creative ideas flowing.
This sweet little candle holder is a simple glass jelly jar. I like to save jars from our pickles, jelly, and other sauces to use for other uses such as flower vases, candle holders, and pencil holders, etc. A simple jar, metal wire, a crystal bead, and a tealight candle can pull this look off for under $1! These little lights would be beautiful hung throughout your garden.
This display is made even more special by using different colors. It also appears as though the crystals are hanging on ribbon. The other beads that are threaded on the ribbons also make a very nice touch.
This is a nice example of a chandelier that someone has tied on different crystals and glass beads using different colored strands of metal. Also notice the use of tealight candles where electric fixtures may have once been.
Many ideas come to mind while looking at this piece. You could take any metal lampshade – strip off the fabric – and use the frame for building your new artsy light fixture. Simply hang a jar from the center – or several jars around the outer edge for holding your tealight candles. You can then build your fixture by adding all of your special touches.
Also, you don’t have to stop with your chandelier crystals! You could also add any number of other items that you might have around the house such as; spoons, forks, vintage keys, strands of beads from old necklaces & bracelets, large seeds, buttons, shells, marbles, beach glass, small ornaments, charms – or anything else that pops into your creative mind 🙂
To hang your objects, you could use fishing line, metal wire, copper wire, ribbon, twine, or anything that will hold up outside. You could twist, knot, drill small holes, glue, or any number of different methods of holding everything together.
Make sure that any electrical element is made for outdoors if you plan to use it outside.
The final look of your piece will totally depend on your personal taste, and what kind of look & feel that you’re trying to accomplish. Just remember, the rule is… there is no rule! It’s your “nest” so use your imagination to feather it in any way you choose 😉
[Added Note]
* You can pick up crystals & other objects for your creations in a number of places. You can look in the local paper, yard sales, thrift stores, craigs list, or online stores such as ebay.
Below I’ve included a sample of things that you can find currently on ebay.
Hi Pearl – I love getting your articles in my inbox. In answer to Rebecca’s question, I’ve got a search saved on eBay for just such a thing – the crystals/prisms. I just went back & checked and if she goes to eBay, then does a search in this order (Collectibles > Lamps, Lighting > Lamp Repair, Refurbishing > Prisms), there will be almost 1000 selections for her. Many different shapes, sizes, & colors, as well as “chains” of them. Hopes this helps, Leslie
Leslie – Thanks for your suggestion for the ebay seller. I’m sure it will be a big help to many readers!
* Don’t you just love pretty little things that sparkle 😉
Really great ideas as usual! I’ve purchased several different crystals on eBay. I think the prices are reasonable and the color selection is amazing!
Manuela – I’ve even done some recent research into getting some great deals direct from the companies… can you tell I like sparkles 🙂
I have purchased crystals new online at vandykes.com. They are a great resource for lots of restoration supplies, glass doorknobs, wood veneers, all kinds of hardware for dressers and cupboards and such. They also have a great catalog. Check them out and order a catalog.
Great ideas ! I have been looking for some inspiration to add “bling” to my cabin porch for my daughter’s up coming “pre-elopement ” picnic. Now to find the time. Thanks
Love It! As a Jewelry and Home lover you mingled my favorite things. What doesn’t need a little bling!
Kathy Helbig
I am looking for prisms, not ribbed with
an etch at the bottom of prism.
I have found prisms without the etch.
Please advise.
Although I’m not exactly sure what you are looking for, here are a few placed that you might want to start:
Great site with lots of neat ideas and imagination galore. Just the inspiration I need to fill in these chilly winter days and evenings.
Please add me to your e-mail list.
Thanks for the inspiration!
Hello everyone,
Another idea… Hang suger bowls or any other pretty dish with two handles from wire or ribbon, etc to use as an outside (or inside) candlelabra. Add beads and crystals, etc as suggested above.
I love the idea of using an old wire lampshade to make a candelabra, as well.
I too, am very glad that I found your website. I love it!!
Jan L
What a fantastic site!!! i’m in the process of coming up with inexpensive ideas for decorating my garden wedding and i just love the sparkles over the windows. i’ve also seen them hanging in a similar way with strings of flowers as well only not against a window, which also looks great.
Thank you for sharing and please add me to your list.
Great site. Please add me to your e-mail list
How long have you been writing here? I really love it.