Contact Us

Want to send in a tip, recipe, home decorating idea, or a
question for Pearl?

Simply send a quick email to:

When you send in any question, story, tip, idea, image, or
comment you agree to the following:

You agree that I can use it on the website or in any future publication.

You agree that, the advice or knowledge that you
take from visiting the website, or from a reply that I send to
you is payment in full.

You also agree, that you will use any and all advice found from
within our website, newsletter, blog, and other publications
totally at your own risk.

Creatively Yours,
Pearl Sanborn

1 thought on “Contact Us”

  1. Hello!
    I’m hoping that I can get this figured out 🙂
    The newsletter form is one I picked from Aweber. I just added a text widget to the sidebar, & added the code from Aweber. Hope this helps!

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