Who Says You Can’t Play With Your Food!

Kids inside with nothing to do? Why not make up a quick batch of play dough? You probably already have the ingredients on hand. It’s easy, contains no harmful ingredients, and if they decide to lick their fingers while they play, well, you don’t have to worry about that one 🙂

2C dry milk
2C creamy peanut butter
3Tbs honey

Mix together to make a play dough consistency. Add dry milk as needed. It might be good to bring out this recipe right before lunchtime. The smell of this dough is bound to make them hungry enough to eat their lunch like good little artists 🙂

Pictured: Here is a whimsical snowman from my collection. We’ve gotten so much snow over the past few days (approx. 18 inches), that I thought I’d share some snow with you today 🙂


5 thoughts on “Who Says You Can’t Play With Your Food!”

  1. Wow 18″ of snow! We had our first big snow of 4″ in the Midwest (Indiana) and for us that is not much. I could do without it. LOL I can smell the playdough from here – I have not heard of that recipe before. Made me hungry just reading. Have a great day.

  2. Sounds like fun! Especially for the little ones who will try to eat and lick fingers like you said. Speaking of snow…here in Maryland, only about an inch my way, just enough to wet your boots, but not enough to play. So sad, I am ready for snow, so my daughter can build her first snowman.

    Waiting for snow in Md.

  3. Wish I had this recipe when the kids were little.Love your snowman. For some reason I’ve been hooked on snowman for the past year and it doesn’t seem to be letting up.

    Annabelle ~^..^~ xo


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