I had to share a recent video clip of my little nephew. He’s such a cutie, and he makes us all laugh! I thought you might be able to use a good laugh since the bible says… that laughter is like a good medicine. So…. here’s your daily dose!
Creative Home and Garden Ideas From Our Cottage in The Woods
Now that just made my day! He is so cute! Nothing like a babies belly laugh!
You’re right – I couldn’t help but laugh! This was so sweet! Thank you for sharing it. There’s nothing like hearing the laugh of one so small to touch your heart! Leslie
Can I take him home and keep him? Huh, can I? Can I?
He’s just too cute! I’m grinning here!
Too cute… Such wonderful laughter.. filled w/joy!
OMGosh – my church has those same exact chairs… in the same exact color!!! LOL