Build Your Own Garden Pond

I wanted to share a few letters from readers with you today. After reading some of the articles about building your own garden pond that I’ve written over the last few years, they wanted to let me know of their success. A water garden (no matter how large or small it is) can add wonder to your garden space! I also wanted to share links to some of my articles about water gardens as well.

Build Your own Water Garden for Under $10

Garden Pond Directions & Pictures

Water Gardens for Small Spaces

Pond Liners – Creative Garden Pond Liner Ideas (that means cheap 😉


Just saw your page on the net. I have a new house with a big yard, few ideas and even less money. I’ve always wanted a pond, but thought they would be too expensive. I want to thank you for the inspiration and the first in a line of many projects. Monica in Buffalo, New York

Hi Pearl, I recently came across your article on building a pond – most informative & helpful!! Thank you so much for sharing with everyone! I must say though, I did gasp with the frozen goldfish and yes, I did “calm down” with a sigh of relief at their amazing “thaw” – hehe

I too, did not know that that was possible and we live in northern Indiana where the winters can also be rather nippy, so to speak – bbrrr!!!

Again, thank you so much for your most helpful information!! Kind Regards, Phyllis

Thank you so much for the pond instructions. It is truly wonderful. I have been wanting one forever but they are really expensive to buy the kits. Now I can build one with your wonderful instructions at a fraction of the cost. Linda

I’d love to share your pond pictures & ideas! Just send them in!